Keywords: software, excel for accounting, pesantren, activity report accounting.įinance is one of the factors that helps boarding schools succeed in their development efforts, since the financial field aids in the management of education. This article contributed dedication work in the form of Islamic boarding school accounting training with the EFA application for preparing Islamic boarding school financial reports. One of the programs to encourage is the improvement of good governance in the pesantren environment through financial reportsthat meet accounting standards that are widely accepted and accepted by various parties. Based on data from kementerian Agama republik Indonesia, there are a total of tens of millions of students and a count of thirty thousand Islamic boarding schools in various regions throughout Indonesia.

Pedoman Akuntansi Pesantren Published by the Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia in May 2018. Kata Kunci: aplikasi program, excel for accounting, akuntansi pesantren, laporan aktivitas. Artikel ini menyumbangkan karya pengabdian dalam bentuk pelatihan akuntansi pesantren dengan aplikasi EFA untuk memidakan penyusunan laporan keuangan pesantren. Salah satu program untuk mendorong adalah peningkatan tata kelola yang baik di lingkungan pesantren melalui tersedianya laporan keuangan yang memenuhi standar akuntansi yang diterima secara luas dan diterima berbagai pihak. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Keagamaan Republik Indonesia (Kemenag RI) terdapat total sebanyak belasan juta santri dan mendekati angka tiga puluh ribu pondok pesantren di berbagai wilayah se-Indonesia. The results of this training were to increase the knowledge and expertise of students in accounting and office administration major.Pedoman Akuntansi Pesantren diterbitkan oleh Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia pada Mei 2018. The purpose of this training is to increase students' knowledge and expertise in preparing the world of work. The solution offered is by training the vocational students and students for two days. The problem is how to use the Macro features in microsot excel to help them create a simple accounting application. Knowledge and expertise in utilizing Microsoft Excel are currently quite good but they still have this problem in using this device. One of the most widely used computer technologies in office administration is Microsoft Excel.

As a prospective graduate who will have a considerable opportunity to become an admin and secretary for a company, the prospective graduates need to be equipped with knowledge and expertise in the use of computer technology. PKM For SMK Abdi Negara 2 Cibarusah with Accounting and Office Administration Majoring is done to solve the problem faced by them.